I have not fallen off the face of this planet I am still alive and well!
After the semester ended things just became some what crazy. I went to Thailand for 10 days and then there was a lull back at SCH where I did nothing for about 3 weeks. I joined an International Forum (at SCH) where we able to discuss and meet new friends from a partner school in Nanjing, China. After that the 3 weeks of Summer camp began and before I knew it here I am in Taiwan.
This summer has flown by and there were those amazing highs and of course the lows where I had to say farewell to some really really really good friends that I made during this semester. I think we will meet again so 이따봐! (That means see you later.)
I will regularly start posting again as semester number 2 will begin soon. A new group of people and another new exciting 4 months. Until then I still have a stop in Hong Kong before I head back to GV.
Happy Summer everyone!